We worked on our spelling words.
The sign says right turn only.
It said gee whiz at fall.
The alphablocks are 52 living letters that hear the amber alert.
Alphablocks have adventures, and they hold hands to make words.
While peanuts are cooling in step 2, add an extra quarter cup peanuts to food processor.
Soooo creamy!
It was full of bright raspberry flavor.
Estadounidense establishments since 1969 for the estadounidense.
At end of step 7, dig in the sand.
While swinging on a swing, and working on our spelling words, we were cooking.
There was a brain break called Poppin’ Bubbles or POPPIN’ BUBBLES in capitol letter-print.
To the finding place, meet Fig the Fox and his friends!
If you want to close Nintendo eShop, go back to your game called “Animal Crossing.”
Play your game called “Animal Crossing: New Horizons.”
Go to Sesame Studios, or Pitches, or Street and visit Nature’s Bakery.
Go to supersimple.com/songs for more songs and if you need help go to google.com/help.
No art on Thursday. Ms. McNeer will be back on Friday. See you then!
Make letters tall small, or descending.
Capitals and numbers start an the top and lowercase letters start at the middle dogs.
Can you ever see the light anywhere?